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Zentrale in Wörrstadt

Tel. +49 6732 9657-0

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Wind and Solar Plant Esperance

The hybrid solution for off-grid environments. The Esperance solar and wind farm is JUWI's fourth hybrid project in Australia. It covers around half of the Western Australian city's annual electricity requirements.
Western Australia
13 MW
A solar facility in the first light of the day. The sky is covered with veil-like clouds.

The Project

Since early 2022, the city of Esperance has been able to get its electricity from a JUWI project that combines wind and solar energy together with a battery storage system. The solar park has a capacity of 4 megawatts, while the two wind turbines each have an output of 4.5 megawatts. This total of 13 megawatts of power is used in combination with the lithium-ion battery storage and the existing gas generators. The Esperance solar and wind farm is JUWI's fourth hybrid project in Australia and can cover around half of the Western Australian city's annual electricity requirements.

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Hybrid power solutions offer the potential to significantly reduce fossil fuel use in off-grid environments.

A construction site for a wind turbine. It is already dusk. On the horizon, a crane can be seen lifting the rotor blades to the turbine.

Hybrid Projects far away from the Public Power Grid

By implementing hybrid projects, self-sufficient energy systems can be developed that can also guarantee a sustainable and secure power supply outside of the public power grid. In such projects, photovoltaic and/or wind power plants are supplemented with storage units. These plants can then be intelligently integrated into existing island networks using a software developed by JUWI – the "JUWI Hybrid IQ". Through the integration of renewable energies, cities and companies can not only reduce their CO2 footprint, but also minimize their energy costs.